tirsdag den 11. december 2012

Dusk :Tina

1.     Characterisation of Lata (continued).
Describe her

in the beginning Lata seems so trying to adjust, she miss her old home in India, and her friends. After she have seen the film from India, which she miss because she begins to cry in the car, she now realize that se now has a new home, in another country (P. 10 L. 150)
it is like they do not know each other that good, their marriage is also arrange marriage, and in the text Lata also thinks that she would learn to love him (P. 8 L. 59-60) I do not think that Lata and Anuj know each other that good, and mabye dont know always what to say to each other, especially when Lata begins to cry, Anuj just fiddling with the car keys, and first when Lata stops crying, Anuj ask if she is alright (P. 10 L. 149)

2.     Integration in the text.

a) 'you alright' is mentioned four times, the first time is where Lata is in the cinema, where Lata she looks at all the people there, the a man ask her if she is alright, she dont know what to answer. And then Anuj ask if she is alright, and she do not know what to answer to that. And the last time it is asked is when Lata cries in the car, when she stops Anuj ask if she is alright.
the first times she gets the question she dont know what to answer, it is first the last time the knows what to answer. I dont know if she understand the phrase when she cries, because she answers that she is alright (P. 10 L. 150) but otherwise she do not understands the phrase (P. 9 L. 101)
in the end she begins to understand the new country, and the way they speak to each other.

in every country people have some things they say to each other, in USA they often say, how are you? Not to know how people are, but it is just something they says, like in the text they ask your alright.
e) when they gets out of the car, and there is some teenage girls in tiny skirts, tank tops and high heels, the Lata looks at her self, and feels like an old woman, even though she have her silk sari on, which she worn at her engagement party, that shows that she feels different

3.     The ending (p. 10, line 122-50).
a) after they have seen an bollywood film, Lata realize that she miss India, and she begins to cry, and Anuj dont know what to do or say to Lata. 
b) The new country begins to feel like home to Lata, because she says ''let's go home'' (P. 10 L. 150)

1 kommentar:

  1. Rigtig godt eksempel i svaret på spørgsmål 2e og også en god betragtning i det allersidste spørgsmål i forhold til at Lata kalder det nye sted 'hjem'.


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