1: A light sleeper. (P.128 L.1-15).
2: Mice! (P.128 L. 16- end of page P. 129 L.1-11)
3: What to do? (P.129 L.12-33)
4: The City and the shame. (P. 129 L. 34- end of page
P. 130 L.1-23)
5: What to do with the cheese? (P.130 L. 24- end of
page P.131 L.1-12)
6: The secret revealed. (P.131 L. 13-end of page P.
132 L.1-3)
7: From out east. (P.132 L.4-42)
8: Burglary. (P.132 last 3 lines P.133 L.1-20)
9: The way of the rat/immigrant (P.133 L.21- end of
page P.134 L.1-29)
10: How to get rid of the rats/immigrants. (P.134 L.
30- end of page P.135 L 1-2)
11: Know what I mean? (P.135 L. 2- end of page)
2. What type of narrator does the story have?
First person narrator “I watched in horror as he pulled out the trainers”
(P.131 L.5)
3. Characterize Indrani: She is an Asian woman living
with her husband and two kids in London; she is scarred of her husband’s reaction
to the rat infestation.
Cultural background:
she is warring a rose pink sari (P.129 L.37). Her clothing suggests she might
be and Indian woman.
4. Physical setting: Brick lane in London
Social setting: In the better end of the middleclass,
they own a shop and have a nice big house (P.128 L.16-19)
5. The rats symbolize: Immigrants/filthy intruders
6. Just below the surface: like the rats from the
sewers just below the surface of the house, the immigrants lure from the ghettos
and they intrude on the middle class like the rats intrude on the house.
7. Themes: immigration, racism, clash of cultures, women’s
place in an Asian household.
Excellent answers. One of the only ones you do not have a quotation to is the physical setting and perhaps that is because you have misunderstood where the story takes place.