tirsdag den 18. december 2012



P 128, l 1-30 move about in the night

P 128, l 31- P 129, l 26 evidence of mice

P 129, l 27- P 130, l 23 hunt on mice traps

p.130, l 24- P 131, l1-23 Emty mice traps

p. 131, l 24-l 43 Not mice, but rat’s!

p. 132, l 1-21 ratscatcher

p. 132, l 22-41 ?

p.  133, l 18-40 reason to the rats.

P133, l 41- P. 134, l 29 rat’s nest.


First-person narrator


Indrani is prodent person, she is embarrassed, and goes to the shop alone even it is the first time. She is also embarrassed for he husband.


5) In Europa is rat’s related for poverty, black plague and  nasty places.

But in the Eastern is rat’s an symbol on fertility
Afleveret 15:42

1 kommentar:

  1. Fine answers - especially in number 5 where you explain what rats symbolise in general. Can you maybe try to connect this to what the tas symbolise in the story?


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