tirsdag den 11. december 2012

Dusk: Signe

A) describe Lata's development:

in the beginning of the story Lata talks about her "home" - back in India. Several places in the text she talks about friends, family and places. She has not yet accepted that living in Cardiff with her husband Anuj, now is her home. 

B) describe her relationship to Anuj:

Lata's relationship to Anuj seems tensed - maybe cause it is an arranged marriage. it is like they really do not know each other - and understand each other  Anuj seems to not wanna know of Lata's past, and only wanna look forward, where Lata has a whole other way of seeing it. She thinks and talks a lot of her past. Lata rather spend a night reliving her old memories, than creating new memories.

A) the phrase "you alright?" - what situations it appears in?

The phrase "you alright?" is used several places in the text:

- The first time is when Lata is waiting for Anuj who is getting them tickets to a movie. While Lata stands in her own thoughts a complete stranger ask her "you alright, love?"

- shortly after Anuj is coming back from the ticketline and askes Lata "you alright, my dear?" 

- in this situation Lata questions the meaning of those words, and askes Anuj what people mean with it:
"Why do people here ask: you alright. nothing is visibly wrong with me, is there?

- in the end when they are out of the movie theater and gets in to the car, Lata starts to cry. when she dries of Anuj asks her quitely "you alright?" and she replies with "yeah, im alright. lets go home." 

B) Lata's development in the way she uses/understands the phrase?

In the beginning Lata does not really get the meaning of the phrase, but in the end she seems to have gotten it. The phrase is used as a normale question in Cardiff, and it is not because a stranger wants to know your lifestory and comfort you if you are not alright. it is just a normale question, that you just answer "yes" to. 

C) What does the development symbolize?

Lata's development symbolize that she in the end of the story accepts Cardiff as her home. 

D) The tie between how the phrase is used in the text and integration?


E) Find two examples where the text deals with integration (quote and reference)


A) Describe what happens in the end of the story (maximum two lines):

in the end of the story, the couple just finished watching the Bollywood film and Lata is happy to have relived her past, but realizes that the past is the past, and even though she just has relived it, she is back in the present.

B) Interpretation of the ending:

When Lata starts to cry in the ending, she somehow faces the reality  - That Cardiff is her home, and India is her past. 

1 kommentar:

  1. God forklaring af udviklingen i Latas forståelse udtrykket 'you alright'.


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