tirsdag den 11. december 2012

'Dusk: Morten P. & Jakob'

Task 1:

* Not integrated: Lata is not intergrated and she does not make an effort to be it, this quote shows us: "Want to try Welsh? (...) No. There's food in the fridge." (p. 7, l. 9-11)
* Conflict: At the cinema she is extremely excited about watching the environment from her past in India. Towards the she begins to realize that she actually is living in the UK.
* Integrated: She break downs and cries. She finally accepts that she not going back to India.

She does not love him, but she thinks she would learn to, it says: "She would learn to love him. Yes, Ma had said so; she would learn to love him." (p. 8, l. 59-60)

Task 2:

5 times.

P. 9, l. 92: A man asks Lata if she is alright.

P. 9, l. 98: Anuj asks Lata if she is alright and she does not understand the meaning of the phrase.

P. 9, l. 101: Lata asks Anuj what the phrase 'you alright' means.

P. 9, L. 104: Lata asks Anuj if he is alright because he has a strange look on his face.

P. 10, l. 149: Anuj asks Lata if she is alright because she has been crying after the movie.

At the beginnig she does not understand the phrase, she thinks people ask her that because there is something physical wrong with her.
At the end she uses the phrase herself and she uses it correctly.

This could indicate that she is more integrated at the end.

She does not understand the meaning. In England it is a term or expression which is a way of greeting one another.

Anuj is integrated in the British society. He has lived there for six years, it says: "And he thought he was as British as the white people. Well, of course he was. He had the red passport, hadn't he?" (p. 7, l. 31-32)
Anuj wants to  introduce Welsh food to Lata, but she does not want to eat anything but Indian, it says: "Want to try Welsh? (...) No. There's food in the fridge." (p. 7, l. 9-11)

Task 3:
In the cinema Lata is focused on the background instead of the storyline and she gives a running commentary. Afterwards she starts to cry, but she tells Anuj that she is alright.

Lata accepts the fact that she now lives in the UK and she is not going back to India. That is very painful for her and she cries, but still Anuj is not trying to comfort her. He knows that she has accepted the way the things are now; she is more integrated which Anuj wants.


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