'Stanza 5: Double AA - Drinking Bayer - Free Villy!
- Rewrite the stanza you are responsible for into Standard English (using no contractions, slang or any kind of ‘oral’ language).
- I warning you Mr Oxford don
I'm a wanted man
And a wanted man
Is a dangerous one
- I am warning you Mr Oxford don
I am a wanted man
A wanted man
And a dangerous one.
- Afterwards find between 1-3 grammatical errors in the stanza you have been assigned and try to explain in Danish what the problem with each error is (so, remember you grammar book).
- I warning you Mr Oxford don
I'm a wanted man
And a wanted man
a dangerous one
1 fejl. 1 person i nutid - I am (Jeg er) så man kan altså
ikke sige "i warning you mr oxford don" men i stedet skrive "I am
warning you Mr. Oxford don"
2 fejl: 3 person i nutid - It is (Den er) så man kan altså
ikke sige "is a dangerous one" men skal i stedet skrive "it
is a dangerous one"
- Answer these three questions:
a) What facts are we
given about the I? Try to characterise the I briefly based on the facts.
He is a man on the
run. He is a wanted man. He is not a violent man. He is a immigrate.
He is a well-educated
man, but because of the way he talk a lot of people are offended and does not
understand what he is saying.
b) I'm a man on de
run, the I says. What is his offence?
His offence is his
language against the British dictionary.
c) Human breath / is a
dangerous weapon. How does the I threaten British society?
He treats the British
society well.
Rigtig gode svar især af de sidste spørgsmål. Også nogle fine forklaringer af de grammatiske fejl, selvom den fejl I kalder 'fejl 2' altså ikke er en fejl. Sætninger hænger sammen med den foregående linje, således at det bliver 'and a man on de run is a dangerous one'.