tirsdag den 27. november 2012

stanza 3 - Line S, Jeanette, Signe, Luna

1. Rewrite stanza 3 to standard english:

I do not have a gun
I do not have a knife

but stealing the Queen's English
is the story of my life.

2. find grammatical errors in stanza 3, and explain the problem in Danish:

I ent have no gun
I ent have no knife
but mugging de Queen's English

is the story of my life

Sproget i digtet indeholder fejlagtige stavelser, det vil sige at nogle ord er stavet forkert men lyder på udtale rigtige.

i linie 1-2 står der ent hvor der skulle stå ain't. ain't er en sammentrækning af ordet am not, men ordet kan også betyde på visse dialekter "do not, does not & did not"

i linie 3 står der de hvor der skulle stå the.

3. answer the three questions:

A) what facts are we given about the I - characterise the I based on the facts:

Stanza 1:

The I is an immigrant.
The I lives in Clapham Common.
The I have no graduation.

Stanza 3:
The I have no gun and no knife.

The I is spending his life mugging the Queen's English.

Stanza 5:
The I is a wanted man.
The I is dangerous.

Stanza 6:
The I is accused of assault of the Oxford dictionary.

Stanza 7:
The I does not see himself as a violent man.

The I is only armed with his human breath.

Stanza 8:
The I will not serve his sentence in jail.

B) "I'm a man on de run" the I says. What is his offence?
The I is a man on the run, meaning he is an immigrant from British Guiana - an British colony on the northers coast of South America.  The I's offence is the way he speaks and acts, according to the British population.   

C) "human breath / is a dangerous weapon." How does the I threaten British society?
The I threaten the British society by using his voice to tell how he feels. He is expressing his anger towards the British dictionary, with poetry and rhymes and the British society might see this as a threat. 

1 kommentar:

  1. Fin gennemgang af jeres strofe og en rigtig fin gennemgang af fakta om jeg'ets.


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